> % 
  > % Yes, there are security issues, but no worse than 
  > non-well-known address
  > % methods.
  >     hogwash. if one expects DNS servers to always be available
  >     at, for example, fe80:dead:beef::53, then -anyone- can make 
  >     a server available at that address, not just the site admin.

=> Ah, and if you always expect a relay agent to be 
available at a reserve link local address, anyone 
can hijack this address. The same goes for any
reserved address until ND is secured. 
As for the site-local address for DNS discovery, 
yes you can install a server on that address, 
but how do you reach it? Hopefully not anyone 
can inject a route for it, otherwise we're
in much deeper trouble than hijacking a DNS

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