At Mon, 29 Apr 2002 18:53:00 +0200, Hesham Soliman wrote:
> 1. The DNS can inject a route. Do you see problems
>    with this?

Well, "the DNS" doesn't do routes, but I assume you meant the DNS
server.  Yes, there are issues:

a) DNS server now has to implement one or more routing protocols,
   which is a lot more code than, say, a stub DHCP server.

b) What's the security model by which the router decides whether to
   accept routing updates from the DNS server?

> 2. Using Neighbour discovery and periodic solicitations.
>    Most people in the DT didn't like this option.
> 3. The cleanest way: extensions to MLD to allow a node
>    to join an anycast group.

These are both polling approaches, right?  Exactly the same issues Bob
suggested apply to the co-resident DHCP approach apply here: how
tightly coupled does the thing you're polling have to be to the
service you're providing in order for the poll to tell you whether the
service itself is available?
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