>>      as far as I remember from the past presentations, Hardie draft did
>>      propose interdomain anycast scheme.  the diagram in appendix A look
>>      like intradomain, however, section 1.4 and 1.5 does not have any
>>      restriction on intra/interdomain.  the diagram I saw at dnsop meeting
>>      was interdomain (single prefix advertised with a single AS #, from
>>      multiple different location).
>The latter sounds like the Ohta draft.

        it seemed to me Ohta draft and Hardie draft were exactly the same,
        modulo the usage policy of AS #s.  also for me Hardie draft (now RFC)
        does not seem to put any restriction to be intradomain.  it just
        doesn't say anything about intra/interdomain.

>>      webserver for past olympic games.  i don't have any citable document
>>      on it.
>Was this usage interdomain or not?
>Perhaps there is some IBM reference (even if it is not stable) that can be
>added. Independent of that some more explanation of how it's been used 
>with http would be helpful.

        interdomain.  single prefix advertised with a single AS #, from
        multiple different location (route injected into multiple different

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