In your previous mail you wrote:

   On Wed, 22 May 2002, Pekka Savola and Hesham Soliman (ERA) wrote:
   >>Actually, as a side
   >> node, I think 2462 should be deprecated and replaced by 
   >> 3041....please don't shoot!
   >Where did I put my M16..... ;-)
   >In the meantime, you might want to check out 
   >draft-dupont-ipv6-rfc3041harmful-00.txt .. there's an omission or two, but 
   >should be recommended reading for RFC3041 advocates :-)
=> I am revisiting my draft so if you want to participate I'll post the
new version only late (Sunday after Brasil's victory :-).



PS: my purpose is to get the next version of RFC 3041 with a better
security considerations section.
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