Keith Moore wrote:
> ...
> of course it's a global address.  but that doesn't mean it's globally
> routable.

You have just argued yourself into a corner. If the address the app
chooses is not globally routable, how does it connect? Why would it have
chosen SL over the PA prefix to begin with? Wouldn't it make more sense
to avoid the possibility of being black-holed? You are looking for
addresses that are both locally administered (for the site that is not
attached), and globally routable (for the app to actually connect in any
arbitrary case with nodes outside the private network), but recognizing
those are mutually exclusive. The reason I have gleaned from this thread
is that you don't want the app to have to worry about scope. How can it
avoid worrying about scope if your preferred address mechanism doesn't
go everywhere?

Functionally the scope mechanism provides a much cleaner decision point
for an app than a nebulous expansion of SL to include globally unique
site-ids. Again I have no problem with locally administered site-ids,
because those are routed within the context of the private network so an
app can rely on them. If the app wants to connect outside the scope of
the private network, it really needs to be using a global address, or
have lots more knowledge about current routing policy than anyone will
ever share with an app.


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