> >>    no, the device answering ICMPv6 request is not named.
> >??? I'm a bit confused.  Are you saying that we can *not always*
> >assume the device answering ICMPv6 request runs a name server?
>       the thread of email assumes the following diagram.
> itojun
> > client resolver ---------> named -------> the target
> >                 DNS query        NI query
> > client resolver <--------- named <------- the target
> >                 DNS response     NI response

As I was toying around with Opportunistic Encryption it shaded another
light on this subject.
Could there be a query type which requests the KEY (just like the DNS
RR) of a host.
This would allow for example FreeS/WAN and Racoon and other IPSec
implementations to request
the public KEY from the host itself in a standardized way. The proposed
DNS<->nodeinfo could
then also provide this information over DNS. Ofcourse one has no 100%
ensurance that the replied
KEY is valid at all.


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