
I would prefer all requirements for me to implement are in the specs as a programmer.  
I view node reqs doc as a statement of further reqs of the std regarding conformance 
not implementation.  If we don't want HAO to be MUST make it a SHOULD this should be 
decided in the MIPv6 spec.k


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 8:14 PM
> Subject: RE: [mobile-ip] Re: HAO and BE processing will be mandated
> Hi Mike,
> > Vijay Devarapalli writes:
> >  > RO is a SHOULD, it is not a MUST in the current draft. we were 
> >  > not talking about route optimization. we were talking about 
> >  > processing a HAO. in the current spec HAO MUST be processed but 
> >  > not accepted if it cant be verified. verification can be in the 
> >  > form of checking for a valid BCE (created securely), IPsec 
> >  > protected data session, same trusted domain (where you dont 
> >  > expect people to do reflection attacks), the tagging proposal 
> >  > from Rajeev and Charlie, smart ingress filtering from Francis 
> >  > Dupont, etc...
> > 
> >    Oh, OK. Sorry about that. Still if the code
> >    isn't in the CN, the MN should still be able
> >    to operate correctly, right? That still seems
> >    to me to be a SHOULD rather than a MUST for the
> >    same reasons in my reply to John.
> > 
> >    I guess the long and short of this is that I'm
> >    somewhat skeptical of putting general node
> >    requirements in the MIP draft since it's
> >    probably not the first place one would be
> >    looking to figure out if they were an IPv6
> >    compliant node. If it's really, really vital
> >    for the health of the net, yadda, yadda, it
> >    would be better to put it in a general v6 node
> >    requirements RFC, don't you think?
> Just as an FYI, I replied to the earlier mail because I am
> trying to sort this out for the node requirements.  I think 
> that in MIPv6, it is OK that MIPv6 makes this recommendation (given 
> working group consensus, IESG approval, etc.) but the Node 
> Requirements
> document is the final word on the issue (assuming WG consensus, 
> IESG approval, etc.).
> John
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