% >But I take it from your question that you'd like to see a fixed number for
% >the MTU. Is this really necessary?
%       yes, it definitely needs to be a fixed number.  in other words, IPv6
%       link MTU should not be computed based on IPv4 PMTU (which is dynamic).
%       PMTUD assumes that link MTUs are stable enough.  by using IPv4 PMTU
%       as basis for IPv6 link MTU, IPv6 link MTU will be affected by IPv4
%       routing changes.  it will have negative impact to IPv6 PMTUD.
% itojun

        for "cross-talk" to occur, is there a presumption of fate-sharing
        on links?  e.g. do you presume that a single link will always
        support both v4 and v6?

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