based on v6ops interim meeting discussion, it seems that there are fair
        amount of consensus that IPv4 mapped address on wire is harmful (causes
        security drawbacks).

        so, i would like to ask you to update draft-ietf-ipngwg-addr-arch-v3-10
        section 2.5.5, to:
        - constrain use of IPv4 mapped address to IEEE Std 1003.1 (RFC2553) API,
          and that API only.  IPv4 mapped address must not appear on wire,
          in any of IPv6 header fields, extension header fields, or payloads
        also, please consider the following too:
        - remove IPv4 compatible IPv6 addrses, as it is no longer used in

itojun (as the author of the draft, not as co-chair of v6ops)
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