At Sat, 12 Oct 2002 09:37:32 -0400, Brian Haberman wrote:
> What if we applied the principles that Erik and I propose in
> draft-haberman-ipv6-anycast-rr-00.txt?  That would allow for the
> resolver to bind an address for the server.

If the WG were to go ahead with this DNS discovery mechanism in spite
of its flaws, and if the mechanisms you and Erik describe describe
prove out and become available[*], then the mechanisms you describe
might be a useful partial remedy one of the misfeatures of the DNS
discovery mechanism that's currently in WG last call.

Sure seems like a lot of work to go to in order to repair one (not
all) of the fundamental flaws in a DNS discovery mechanism that's less
useful than the pre-existing technology that it's trying to supplant.

[*] My understanding is that the mechanisms in your anycast-rr draft
    are still in the early experimental stage; please correct me if I
    have that wrong.
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