Hi all, 

few comments below

> -----Original Messages -----
> From : Rob Austein [mailto:sra+ipng@;hactrn.net]
> My main objection was and remains that this mechanism, if used, moves
> state away from the endpoints and into the network in a way that
> cripples the resolver's ability to keep track of which of the name
> servers it is using are performing properly, since the binding between
> any particular well-known-address and the name server behind it might
> change at any time and since there is no mechanism by which the
> resolver can find out that such a change has taken place.
I agree with that point that's why I'd prefer that hosts know not-shared
unicast adresses of the recursive server (thanks to Rob for definition
reminders) those hosts use.
> From : Pekka Savola [mailto:pekkas@;netcore.fi]
> I must chime in to say I dislike this approach a bit, but it could be
> salvageable.  (Though, I must admit I like an option in RA's more..)
> Most of all, I dislike using *3* well known site local addresses.  One
> should suffice just fine.  Remember that this mechanism, at 
> least in my
> eyes, is intended for *bootstrapping* only.  After there is 
> something that
> works, one could use some other mechanism (e.g. a DNS lookup :-) to
> discover *real* DNS server addresses and ignore the site 
> local.  It seems
> to me that _3_ addresses just triples delays (5-10 seconds 
> each, per DNS
> lookup?) if none of those have been configured in the site.
That kind of solution seems interesting. Well-known site-local addresses
could help to discover other adresses of recursive servers. But I do
think that a lot of work is still needed in that case :
- which address to advertise if recursive servers defend several
- how to discover and then choose Domain Names of recursive servers?

> In addition, I greatly dislike section 5.2, that is DNS 
> forwarding between 
> sites.  If we have to implement site-border router behaviour, 
> let's *NOT* 
> require it in every cheapo 50$ DSL router.

That is one of the most awkward point. That draft suppose that any
equipement used as a router at site borders must have a DNS relay
function (for example: DSL routers, Mobile Phones if Internet Access is
shared.) Finally I had found no answer if such a DNS relay breaks DNSSec
solutions, I may be another issue.

> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Margaret Wasserman [mailto:mrw@;windriver.com]
> The document states:
> "Thus, it is recommended to implement also other mechanisms for
> overriding this default, for example: manual configuration, L2
> mechanisms and/or DHCPv6."
> I think that it should be required (a MUST) that nodes that
> implement this specification provide a method to override the
> default values manually.

If other mechanisms are not required that will impose to deploy such
solutions (= to integrated those 3 site-local addresses in a lot of DNS
and routing system even if other solutions are available) inside our
networks to allow the use of devices that only support the use of those
3 well-known site-local addresses. I definitively prefer to mention:
"Thus, other mechanisms MUST be implemented for
overriding this default, for example: manual configuration, L2
mechanisms and/or DHCPv6..."

> The document should also specify whether the default DNS addresses
> will or won't be considered part of the DNS server list when DNS
> server addresses are configured via other means.  For example, if
> a host receives a single DNS server address via DHCP, will it
> fall-back to using these well-known addresses if the DNS server
> at the DCHP-configured address fails to respond?

I agree, this must be clarified.

> From : [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:juha.wiljakka@;nokia.com]
> as an individual I want to give my full support for this draft.
> The main point is that to make IPv6 deployed *now*, we really 
> need a mechanism for DNS discovery. I am very much afraid 
> that if we now wait for the perfect solution, it will come 
> all too late.
> However, it is fine for me that better / more robust 
> mechanisms are being developed, but let's make this (and 
> IPv6) happen now.
I do beleive that we must be sure that any solution would not impose
strong impact on future solutions. To my mind, some issues are still not
resolved. But I do share your point that we do need a mechanism ;+)

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