> My take is that the two possible router configs for site locals is
>       1.  All interfaces are in the same site
>       2.  All interfaces are in unique sites
> Margaret's proposal that the default behavior is a node's 
> interfaces are in 1 site results in case 1.  For a router, a 
> safer config may be 2.  That would strictly limit the outward 
> flow of site local addresses.

I like the idea the hosts default to all interfaces in one site, and
routers default to each interface is in a different site.

> This difference in behavior for hosts and routers leads to
> some interesting issues.  One big one is how the site-local 
> zone ids are setup and potentially changed when a host 
> becomes a router or vice versa.

This is a good question but a) it seems surmountable and b) I don't
think the answer needs to be standardized, since changing on the fly
between router & host behavior is not standardized.

For example suppose that in the absence of configuration, host
interfaces use the site id 1. When a host interface is changed to become
a router interface, if it has site id 1 then it automatically changes to
a new unused site id (eg, one larger than the largest currently in use
on the node). When a router interface is changed to a host interface,
you leave the site id alone (unless the operator also changes it
explicitly of course).


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