On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Margaret Wasserman wrote:
> >BGP is not the point.  Consider e.g.:
> >
> >[attacker] --- [internet] ---- [ISP] --- [customer w/ site locals]
> >
> >Now the attacker can send packets with a fec0::/10 source address to the
> >customer -- no one will block them unless they're explicitly configured as
> >site borders -- before the customer itself.  And if the customer does not
> >block them, we're in for very serious trouble.
> Far be it from me to argue the other side in this debate, but...
> I agree that the packet with a site-local source would get
> through to the customer's site.  But, what serious trouble
> would this cause?
> This would only cause trouble, I guess, if the customer's
> system attributes some special security status to packets
> that appear to come _from_ a site-local address, which would
> be quite inadvisable.

The whole point (or a big portion of it..) of the "security benefit" of
site-local addresses comes from the added trust given to site-local
addresses (which by the site's definition, are only reachable from inside
the site).

Pekka Savola                 "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy                   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

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