
> Michael Thomas wrote:
> > So I have a question for those who support
> > connected site locals: what would prevent a new
> > RFC from updating Brian's wording for site locals
> > (if that's the right thing)?
> > 
> > I say this because it seems to me that there's a
> > lot of issues being conflated in these arguments
> > and what's sort of frightening to me is that they
> > need to be teased apart. In particular, the desire
> > for provider independent addressing seems to
> > factor in here fairly largely too, and I wonder if
> > the better part of valor might not be to get
> > together a BOF which focuses on the actual real
> > life requirements here. It's possible that site
> > locals in the end might make sense here, but it's
> > also possible that it can be done other ways too
> > (or that the entire problem is totally intractable
> > which is the way it looks to me now).
> > 
> Some of the uses for SL would be better served by PI 
> addresses, but not all. 
> Take the case of a 20,000 node network where half are allowed 
> global access and half are not. It is much more complex to 
> sort through a 10,000 node list per packet for access 
> filtering than it would be to have two entries, SL deny & PA 
> allow. Yes the list of which 10,000 nodes are allowed the 
> global prefix has to be maintained, but it can be applied 
> according to allocation policy rather than per packet processing. 
I miss something here. How do you make sure that nodes configure
just site local and not global address on seeing an RA ? Are you keeping
them in separate networks i.e not mixing nodes that require globals and
site locals ? If so, then I can do the same with globals
with appropriate partitioning i.e subnet 1 - 100, is for private use
Then the check is very simple. Could you clarify ?


> Yes we need a PI format, and there are a few being batted 
> around on multi-6, but even there we are into engineering 
> trade-offs about allocation efficiency vs. routing table 
> exception handling efficiency. My intent was to bring a PI 
> format proposal to this wg after multi-6 established 
> requirements, but that wg seems to have been derailed into 
> the long running saga of overhauling the entire protocol 
> suite. If there is interest in discussing a PI format to get 
> that off the table for the SL discussion, I will ask the 
> chairs to consider it as a WG doc.
> Tony
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