My view is that in the absence of strong discouragement of SL addresses
(with a few clearly valid use cases as exceptions), applications will be 
expected to work well with a mixture of SL and global addresses - 
even if IETF doesn't expect that.  So I don't think it's sufficient to 
simply say "folks can use SLs if they want to", or even "site mode
apps don't have to talk to global mode apps"  - the former will create
a support burden for apps and the latter won't match with user expectations.

I doubt there are many inherently "site mode" apps.
I'm sure there are some, but offhand I can't think of any.

The trick is to provide recommendations that make it simple to do 
the right thing.  A general discouragment of SLs would accomplish this.
Trying to outline all (and have applications detect and handle) of the 
specific cases where SLs *could* be used is very difficult.


> I don't understand why we are spending so much time on this issue. I get
> this impression that the folks who haven't yet implemented support for
> site-local addresses are worried that they will suddenly be stuck
> implementing and testing a bunch of code they don't want. That's really
> not the case.
> I do not advocate requiring every host and router implementation to have
> multi-site support. I think all that's required for host implementations
> is the default address selection rules, and all that's required for
> router implementations is to have two modes (either all interfaces are
> in the same site so site-locals are treated like globals, or all
> interfaces are in different sites so site-locals are filtered). This is
> really very little burden for host and router implementations.
> I do not advocate requiring applications to work well on multi-sited
> hosts. Some developers will want to support this, some will not and
> that's OK.
> For distributed applications that do referrals, a simple policy is to
> run in either "global mode" (only using global addresses) or "site mode"
> (only using site-local addresses). This takes very little code to
> implement. Anything more sophisticated should be at the discretion of
> the developer.
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