> From: David Borman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> IPv4 has globally routable GUPI (GRUPI) addresses.  That's all it had
> in the early days.  The explosion in the size of the routing tables is
> was forced changes such as CIDR and new addresses being allocated from
> ISP blocks.  The only reason we still have GRUPI addresses in IPv4
> is because they were grandfathered in.
> With the current routing structure, trying to define IPv6 GRUPI addresses
> is doomed to failure because it will not scale.  We learned that with IPv4.
> Until there is a new routing structure that will support scaling of GRUPI
> addresses, we should not define GRUPI addresses.
> We are talking about 3 different classes of addresses, they should
> each have their own block of address space:
> 1) Leave FEC0::/10 as Site Local addresses.  They are not globally
>    unique, but several proposals have been proposed for picking
>    them in a somewhat random method to make them mostly unique.
>    Site Locals should be free and not require any registration.
> 2) There seems to be a need for a globally unique version of Site Local
>    addresses (GUSL), so we should just define a new block for them.
>    These would require registration, and perhaps a fee, just like when
>    you get a domain name.
> 3) If anyone ever comes up with a method for handling the problem of
>    scaling GRUPI addresses in the routing protocols, then at that time
>    we can define a third block for GRUPI addresses.
> At the Atlanta IETF meeting I voted for limited use of Site Local
> addresses.  That is because we have several issues for dealing with
> SLs, DNS support being one of the top items.  It seems to me that the
> pros and cons of SL vs. GUSL vs. GRUPI have been discussed in great
> detail, and we now just seem to be rehashing the same things.
> 1) We seem to have a better handle on dealing with GUSL addresses (or
>    at least we've identified issues that SLs have that can be mitigated
>    by having GUSL addresses), so we should get a block of address space
>    reserved for GUSL addresses, and those who want them can work on
>    getting the registration rules set up.
> 2) Many of the issues that GUSL addresses mitigate can be mitigated for
>    SLs by having random generation of SL prefixes.  So we should select
>    the method(s) of generating pseud-random SLs and document it (them).
> 3) We should list the specific problems that will occur with wide-spread
>    deployment of SLs and GUSLs, and start to work on them one at a time.
> 4) The people who really want GRUPI addresses should work on the scaling
>    issues with routing, and if that is ever solved then a new block of
>    addresses can be allocated for GRUPI.
>               -David Borman

This is the most sensible posting I've seen on this issue in the past
month and a half.                                  -- George Mitchell

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