Hi Jari,

Thanks for the summary, I agree with you.  Just a general note,
the Node Requirements document cannot specify new behavior
for IP security, I think it would be useful to have some work
get started to review and update this info.
There is ongoing work:

- draft-ietf-ipsec-esp-v3-03.txt forgets DES and only references
  AES as a mandatory ESP requirement.
- draft-ietf-ipsec-ciph-aes-cbc-04.txt is the AES definition
  for IPsec.
- There should be some ongoing work for RFC 2401 bis, but
  I don't seem to be able to find the draft. This work
  might say something about AH's status.

I'm not sure that work completes in time for us; I've been
waiting for the AES spec to complete for some time already.
I'll check with the IPsec folks on when they think these
documents are ready to be referenced by us. It would be
great if we could reference the new documents.


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