> => I disagree: without authentication (by a pre-shared 
> secret, certificate/signature or public key) you can be 
> attacked by the Man-In-The-Middle, i.e., you can get a very 
> secure connection with a bad guy, not the intended 
> correspondent. There are some schemes where one participant 
> can be anonymous, but at most one (i.e., never both).

Is this scheme used anywhere on the net? Can I make use of it whatever
time I want? E.g. the server has a cert and I dont, but the server
requires IPsec, my client will respond even without cert?

Well I asked that question, lets say for the case that two endusers
without any certificates can build up a secure line between each other.
For example an IM application could turn on IPsec without certificate.
The problem is I don't see endusers buying certificates anytime soon,
which might be important for pure P2P applications wanting to use the
IPsec protocol, at least in my thoughts.

Thanks for any info


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