read Tony's ipv6ipaddressusage-04 draft
read Michel's gapi-00 draft
reviewed the site-local use discussion in the IPv6 WG
read the Multi6 charter
read the Multi6 requirements draft
re-read RFC 2373 and RFC 2374
re-read the addr-arch-v3 draft
re-read the ipv6-prefix-delegation-requirement-00 draft
re-read the ipv6-ipaddressassign-06 draft
read Iljitch van Beijnum's multi6-isp-int-aggr-00 draft
read Michel's Multi Homing Aliasing Protocol draft
Hey you forgot multihoming-longprefix-00.txt! :)

1) Ask the IPv6 WG chairs and the Internet Area ADs to add to the IPv6
task list a work item which directs the WG to coordinate and support
extant activities in other WGs which deal with issues surrounding use of
PA and PI address spaces in, or at the boundaries of, end-user networks.
(Note: this language will need to be clarified. Suggestions welcome.)

This is incontestably within the working group charter, as indicated by
this charge in the charter statement:

- Serve as a review board and body of competence and coordination for IPv6
architectural issues that span multiple IETF working groups.

This is not a IPv6 problem. It's a routing problem at best. If we continue to have the IPv6 groups to work on behalf on other groups we will not get far. I have no clear solution to this, but I strongly disagree to put this under the IPv6 WG. This might belong in IDR, but I guess that would require to re-charter IDR.

I think that you to some extent are right in your observations. This is a problem that will impact the solution of a number of other problems, as these will impact a number of possible solutions to PI vs PA.

However, me (and I think a number of other people) are starting to think that everything discussed so far is just pointing to us trying to paint IPv6 in nice colors to try and hide it's ugly shapes. Maybe the problem is somewhere else and a lot deeper. This seems to be a lot more politically sensitive to bring up though.

Best regards,

- kurtis -

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