Michel Py wrote:

 RFC2374 was the definition of addresses for Format Prefix 001
 (2000::/3) which is formally made historic by this document. Although
 as specified in [ARCH] IANA should limit the IPv6 Global Unicast
| address space to 2000::/3 for now, IANA might later delegate
| currently unassigned parts of the IPv6 address space to the purpose
| of Global Unicast as well.

I'm not sure I like this last sentence. One could read it as
IANA "might" later assign "currently unassigned parts of the IPv6 address space"
for of something different than Global Unicast.
Once could then fear that an implementor might then interpret that
as "I'm going to hard code 2000::/3 as I do not know what is going to
happen with the rest of the space".

Suggested text:

RFC2374 was the definition of addresses for Format Prefix 001
2000::/3) which is formally made historic by this document. Although,
as specified in [ARCH], IANA should limit the IPv6 Global Unicast
address space to 2000::/3 for now, the rest of the unassigned IPv6 address
space should be treated as Global Unicast.

- Alain.

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