
A few comments; I didn't bother splitting "editorial" and "substantial", 
as it isn't so long a document.

                       IPv6 Documentation Address

==> synchronize the title: Address Space?  Address Prefix?

   prefix has been assigned by the Asia Pacific Network Information
   Centre (APNIC) for this purpose, on behalf of the Regional Internet

and later:

   Following  acceptance within the addressing community of a proposal
   for a block of IPv6 address space to be created for documentation
   purposes, the Regional Internet Registries allocated a unicast
   address prefix for documentation purposes.

==> "on behalf" (and similar in the later quote) implies that RIR's have
agreed on this beforehand.  I've hard time believing this is an accurate
statement, as I've never came across discussion about reserving a doc
prefix from IANA allocations in RIPE.

Have I missed something?

   To allow documentation to accurately describe deployment examples the
   use of site local or link local addresses is inappropriate, and a

==> s/examples/examples,/

   prefix-based proposal [3]for multicast addresses.

==> s/[3]/[3] /

   Multicast addresses can also be reserved for documentation using this
   document reserved address space together with the Unicast
   prefix-based proposal [3]for multicast addresses.

==> note that you may also have to be able to demonstrate or document 
multicast addresses which do *not* use unicast-prefix-based addressing, so 
reserving a documentation prefix from other parts of the multicast 
prefixes is probably also at least marginally useful.

   address block to the list of non-routeable IPv6 address space, and if

==> s/routeable/routable/

4. IANA Considerations

   IANA is to reserve 2001:0DB8::/32 address space out of the global
   unicast address space as a documentation-only prefix, and note this
   reservation in the IPv6 address registry. No end party is to be
   assigned this address.

==> will someone make a whois entry for this, explaining what it is?

5. Security Considerations

   IPv6 addressing documents do not have any direct impact on Internet
   infrastructure security.  Authentication of IPv6 packets is defined 
   in [4].

==> remove the last sentence, it is irrelevant IMO, and gives a false
impression that that's all you have to do to secure IPv6 packets.  Or if 
not, at least also refer to ESP or some other IPsec document, too.


==> split the references to normative and informative; I assume [1] and 
[3] are normative.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

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