> Bob Hinden wrote:
> The IAB has responded to an appeal from Robert Elz of the
> IESG decision to approve the IPv6 Addressing Architecture
> (draft-ietf-ipngwg-addr-arch-v3-11.txt) by indicating that
> the document should not be published as a Draft Standard[1].
> Given that the revised document is a significant improvement
> over RFC 2473, and that RFC2473 is badly out of date,


> we believe it is desirable to go ahead and publish the
> document as a Proposed Standard at this time ASAP in order
> to get a replacement to RFC2473 out.
> In parallel, it would be appropriate to discuss the details
> of the IAB response and how the WG wishes to respond to the
> IAB recommendations. Note that approving the document as PS
> at this time does not imply that the WG agrees with all of
> the IAB's recommendations nor does it preclude any particular
> follow-on action by the WG or IESG.  However, approval at PS
> is something that can be done relatively quickly.

> Does this approach make sense to the WG?

Does to me.


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