This was a comment strictly based on what I understood from the thread in
this conversation, the /48 was based on the IANA implementation. This is how
I understood the lines:
  > My perception is that the /48 "border" is inside the IANA
  > delegation.

But apparently I am mixing up two diffrent e-mail chains,in the other one
there was a comment by you:
  > In other words: documenting APNIC policy is nice, APNIC deserves kudos
  > for assigning a /32 to the purpose of documentation prefixes, and your
  > draft should, if possible, go further than what is already there but
  > ship as-is if nothing new is on the horizon.

I am sorry but I seem to have gotten my messages mixed.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michel Py" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 11:17 AM
Subject: RE: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-ipv6-unicast-aggr-v2-02.txt

> EricLKlein wrote:
> IANA implementation

IANA "implementation"? What does this mean? Can you give an example of
something that the IANA has implemented?


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