
On Sun, 9 Mar 2003, Bound, Jim wrote:
> 4.5.5 Stateful Address Autoconfiguration
> Stateful Address Autoconfiguration MAY be supported. DHCP [DHCPv6]
> is the standard stateful address configuration protocol. See section
> 5.3 for details on DHCP.
> The above MAY should be a SHOULD.  There is not mention of stateful
> support from ND M or O bits being MAY.  They simply can be used.  It is
> the option of the user not the standard.  To not support any bits
> suggested for use by users equal to stateless in the ND spec is
> irresponsible for interoperability requirements in this standards track
> document.  This not being a SHOULD can cause sever interoperability for
> clients where the user wants all clients to use stateful auto
> configuration.  Any assumption that it will not be used is premature and
> we should error on the side of it being used.
> The wording in 5.3 supports the reason for a SHOULD in this section.
> I could argue it is a MUST but at minimum it is a SHOULD.

I think I can understand your argument here, but let me try to give a 
different perspective.

If the user (I'd call him admin) requires that only stateful auto 
configuration is acceptable in the network segment by setting a few bits 
in the advertisement, he should do this only when he knows that all the 
clients do support these mechanisms.

I would not want the requirement for implementing DHCPv6 any stronger that 
it has to be, ie MAY seems enough (with current experience) -- but I could 
just maybe accept SHOULD with strong disclaimers and clarifications.

Did I understand the issue properly?  Or was this about the hosts kernels
executing DHCP when receiving M&O bits and "DHCP: file not found" would be
an acceptable and a SHOULD-compliant outcome?

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

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