On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 07:38:03PM +0100, Erik Nordmark wrote:
> > Actually, the security properties of RA-piggybacking solutions are roughly 
> > on the same level as with DHCP and friends, not to mention general 
> > connectivity.
> There might be a difference in that the DHC WG is supposedly
> working on deployable security for DHCP.
> But then again, we have SEND which might help secure the RAs.
> So "roughly the same" might capture both the situation today and in the future.

OK, well, at present there seems only mild interest at best in this, even
by the original RA method author :)   But I'd like to see one more push made
on the concept as it is useful for the stateless scenario (like Pekka, I
visit many IPv6 networks and it is a missing piece - of course in part
because very few people have running DHCPv6, but should they have to deploy
it just for DNS?).

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