Ole Troan wrote:
> > Mike Saywell wrote:
> >
> >>I can't really see the motivations to do NAT under v6 when it's so easy
> >>to have multiple addresses on an interface anyway.  Joining 2 networks
> >>which use the same address site-local addresses would be nowhere near
> >>as painfull as before since it's that much easier to re-number one of
> >>them under v6.
> >>
> > Multiple addresses means the application has to choose which to use. This is
> > a non-starter.
> IPv6 has multiple addresses anyway. or do you propose to remove
> link-locals too?

Multiple addresses per host are a real-world feature of IPv4 and have
always been a design goal of IPv6. 

We've already defined the default address selection algorithm (RFC 3484).
Applications are welcome to use a different algorithm, but they
don't need to, which is why the default was defined.

(RFC 3484 will need touching up, if we confirm the deprecation of

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