Title: RE: DAD in node requirements draft


Right, there are always privacy address extensions ((RFC 3041).

But the original question related to PPP links.

During 3GPP (UMTS) work on PDP context activation, it was agreed to make the /64 prefix unique per primary (and associated secondary) PDP contexts so that DAD would not have to be performed (particularly since privacy addresses are specified for use in 3GPP). See RFC 3314 and, I believe, 3G TS 23.060 (and/or maybe another document in the 3GPP 24 series).

3GPP2 (cdma2000) uses PPP and not a PDP context. In IS-835-B it is stated that the /64 prefix(es) must be unique to that PPP link ... again avoiding DAD when privacy addresses are used.

Since the IETF IPv6 WG is in the process of updating the IPv6 PPP RFC 2472 (more specifically IPV6CP), my question is: What changes are being planned to that RFC? Do any of these changes pertain to the granularity/uniqueness of the /64 prefix? Thanks.



-----Original Message-----
From: Ole Troan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 12:56 PM
To: Mika Liljeberg
Subject: Re: DAD in node requirements draft


>>      it makes more sense when rules are simpler.  if you always perform DAD
>>      you can always ensure there's no duplicate.  even if machine A is
>>      autoconfigured with prefix P::/64 and DAD-safe link-local address
>>      fe80::ID, the other end could configure P:ID intentionally.
> It would be more efficient to always do DAD with the link-local prefix
> rather than full address, and just ensure that each IID is owned by a
> single machine. I.e., if you configure P:ID, do dad with FE80:ID (unless
> already done) and defend all X:ID.

sure, but that wouldn't allow different nodes using the same IID with
different prefix. note the mechanism is called DAD not DIID. this has
been discussed to death numerous times, please refer to the archive.

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