NO - Do NOT Deprecate Site-Local Addressing.

There are reason to use site-locals, and reason NOT to use them. But
"FORBIDDING" people will only alienate them and lead them to find ways to
do it anyway.

Perfect example, when (or should I say IF) my home ISP goes to IPv6, they
charge per IP. Always have, and always will. Sure, they will gladly give me
a range of IPs, as well as gladly charge me as if each were a PC. Also,
when I get tired of putting up with the abuse from this particular ISP and
decide to choose another ISP to abuse me, I will still have the same issue.

Does having Site-locals cause problems? Sure. Can these problems be
mitigated? Yes. Does deprecating site-locals solve the problem? Yes and no.
In the short term it may. But those that are determined to have themwill
find a way around. It is better to face an enemy that we know and can
control than to unleash a beast that we may not be able to contain. We must
NOT forget that the end user is the one that will have no input into this,
but will be bound by the decision.

I shall get off my soap-box.


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