> % > How do applications get addresses? In my experience, a lot of 
> % > them get them out of the DNS. But, if we put SLs into the 
> % > DNS, we have to have split DNS...
> % 
> % We need to do that anyway, because there is no valid reason to leak
> % filtered addresses outside of their scope of routability. Ambiguity is
> % the ruse that is use to make this an issue, but the real issue is that
> % resolving a name to an address that is not routable from that point is a
> % broken concept. Even if a site uses global scope addresses for its
> % internal use nodes & applications, a name resolution that includes both
> % filtered and unfiltered addresses will cause applications that falsely
> % assume a single address scope to fail. 
> % 
> % Tony
>       This is something else that seems to have crept out of the 
>       woodwork.  Split DNS.  Doe folks really think that this
>       "feature" is going to be required in addition to mandating
>       a functional DNS?
>       If so, what does this say to/about the IAB statement on the
>       requirement for a single DNS context?

        There are alternatives to split DNS.  I would hope that the
        WG would take up those alternatives if it keeps site-local.

        They would be useful even with the alternatives to site-local
        by putting reachability information into the DNS.  However
        now in not the time to debate this.  Lets get site-local
        decided first.

Mark Andrews, Internet Software Consortium
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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