Mika Liljeberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

|> > Great.  Let's work on that problem now.
|> Yes, of course we should. But, I think we can not get real force behind 
|> such work before we _first_ agree Site Local is not solving this 
|> problem, and we therefore agree Site Local should go away.
|Forgive me for being cynical, but another way to phrase the above is
|that the intent is to deny an existing solution to people who are
|content with it in order to force them to work on a new one.

You aren't being cynical enough.  Once site-locals are gone there is
absolutely no reason to believe that there will be any work on a new
solution.  We have had years and years to work on the routing/identifier
problem and it has gone nowhere.  The new "solution" for stable internal
connections is going to be the same as the recently proposed "solution"
for multi-homing:  send more money to your ISP and they will make their
links more reliable and refrain from renumbering you as frequently.

                                Dan Lanciani
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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