I suspect there is a trivial DOS attack against this, despite the
one-per-day rule. We will need to think long and hard about how to make
such a system both idiot-proof and sabotage-proof.


Alexandru Petrescu wrote:
> Shannon -jj Behrens wrote:
> > This is fine as long as Nokia never goes out of business (I'm not
> > being snide, I'm being practical).
> :-)
> In that eventuality there's one at http://gusl.nal.motlabs.com visible
> both in v4 and v6.
> Not that I support gusl proposal, I must first understand it, but it
> seems to me that at least it raises new issues like how to coordinate
> between several sites wanting to offer such a service.  Reliable
> service and so on.  This is something enormous to deal with...
> Back lurking...
> Alex

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