On Tue, Aug 05, 2003 at 09:40:52PM -0700, Michel Py wrote:
> - If globally unique IPv6 address space is free, I am willing to give
> these $2.5k/yr to my ISP to announce my /48. 

Well, the ISP announces it, but how far does it get?

> On the operator side, I do acknowledge that we have some of them around
> that do what they are supposed to and filter, thanks to people that
> promote routing table health such as Jeroen and Gert.
> That being said, the hard facts are that a) as of today 42% of my IPv6
> BGP routing table is made of /48s, /64s and other crud and b) lots of
> ISP will think twice before refusing my $2.5k/yr to announce my prefix.

That 42% is skewed due to IPv6 not being considered a production service
(and the traffic volume is low) by many people carrying/transiting the traffic.

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