Keith Moore wrote:

> I think it's not terribly important.  The principal value would be for
> show, not for utility.  And IMHO it sends a misleading message.


> Of course I have no objection to anyone, including ietf.org, 
> using IPv6 for SMTP or HTTP.  I just think we're deluding ourselves
> if we pretend this is important, or that having IETF do this is a
> constructive step toward IPv6 deployment.

"But mommy, if the geeks don't use it, they probably don't
want to rely on it either, so why should I ?"

IMHO it would be a very good step to IPv6 deployment.
I am also one of the few people who pester Google once
in a while asking them when they are going to support IPv6.
I didn't make http://ipv6gate.sixxs.net for nothing :)
Usage is one of the ways to discover the many problems
that might be there but which we might not notice.

I don't expect there being a killer app, the only current
killer app that could boost IPv6 is, sorry to say, but either
a IPv6 only peer-2-peer program for illegal music/video/* trading
or the ever money producing porn industry. A more legit
thing is IPv6 gaming, fortunatly Microsoft already came to
that conclusion with Xbox live and discovering that most users
are NAT'ted (result: Teredo and the P2P SDK) and Sony with
their PS2 is also checking out IPv6 for internet gaming.

So if it is at all possible for making something IPv6 capable
do so. RIPE for example got a big surprise when they activated
their whois service to do IPv6 and getting complaints that it
didn't work entirely as espected. The users are getting ready
but how are the servers doing ?


PS: Btw check my mailheaders, even Outlook can do IPv6 ;)

Version: Unfix PGP for Outlook Alpha 13 Int.
Comment: Jeroen Massar / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / http://unfix.org/~jeroen/


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