>>> Pekka Savola wrote:
>>> Sure, but there are also other ways to obtain addresses.
>> Michel Py wrote:
>> Really? Would you care naming one available today?

> a) talk to your ISP (or one of its upstreams), which his
> hopefully a LIR, or b) talk to any LIR, and pay him e.g.
> 100$/mo.  He'll gladly give you address space even though
> you don't want physical connectivity at all.

Is that what you call a solution available today? You have not been
listening. 1. I don't want to pay for it. 2. I don't want that space to
be reallocated to someone else if the LIR I got it from goes belly up.
Hijacking is less risky.

Now, it a part of each LIR space was earmarked for that purpose and if
there was a RIR policy that says that if LIR space is reallocated to a
new LIR the new LIR has to honor address assignments made by the old one
that would be another story. jj, where's your draft?


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