Tero Kivinen wrote:

> > Can we live with push-to-talk?
> Push-to-talk works well for normal discussion, but it was
> impossible to use when giving presentation, which meant that
> I myself changed the setting to voice activated microphone
> when I started my presentation, and then changed back to
> push-to-talk when I finished. This is something that should
> be instructed for the people giving presentations (there were
> others having problems too).

The problem with that solution is that when someone asks a question, your 
ever-open microphone echoes their question. This was especially noticeable in 
Sheila's presentation about the roadmap document, but also in yours. Some mikes 
have a mute button (which I inadvertantly pushed), so that could solve it.

> > Did you encounter any major technical problems (e.g. one person's
> > corporate firewall prevented him from joining)?
> Our corporate firewall did block teamspeak ports, but as I
> knew about this beforehand, I was able to get the firewall
> rules changed so that the teamspeak could be used.

Not everyone has that kind of clout.

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