Yaron Sheffer writes:
> Hi Tero,
> Sec. 3.3.2 mentions that you negotiate a D-H group for ESP/AH, even though
> you only need encryption and integrity transforms for these protocols. I
> find it confusing, certainly for newcomers. For clarity, I suggest to add
> after the table in Sec. 3.3.3, this text:
> Although ESP and AH do not directly include a Diffie Hellman exchange, a D-H
> group MAY be negotiated for the Child SA. This allows the peers to employ
> D-H in the CREATE_CHILD_SA exchange, providing Perfect Forward Secrecy for
> the generated Child SA keys.

Ok, I see no problem adding that text, and I think it really belongs
to the 3.3.2 as you originally requested, not in 1.3.1/1.3.3.

The section 1.3 section already describes about KE payloads and PFS:

1.3.  The CREATE_CHILD_SA Exchange
   The CREATE_CHILD_SA request MAY optionally contain a KE payload for
   an additional Diffie-Hellman exchange to enable stronger guarantees
   of forward secrecy for the Child SA.  The keying material for the
   Child SA is a function of SK_d established during the establishment
   of the IKE SA, the nonces exchanged during the CREATE_CHILD_SA
   exchange, and the Diffie-Hellman value (if KE payloads are included
   in the CREATE_CHILD_SA exchange).
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