Vijar Devarapalli wrote:

>Hi Yoav,
>On 7/29/09 9:13 PM, "Yoav Nir" wrote:
>> Hi Vijay.
>> "default" is usually associated with a particular implementation or
>> product. I think it would be better to say "suggested value" rather 
>> than "default value".
> "default value" is the right terminology to use here.

Disagree. A default is what you get in a particular implementation if you don't 
change it. For example, IKE SA default lifetimes are 2 hours in Check Point 
products, and 8 hours in Microsoft products. A standard cannot have a default.

>> Also, I don't see a point in mandating that all products should have an
>> extra knob for setting this value. For example, for an IKEv2 client you
>> usually try to have as little local configuration as possible, so this
>> value may very well be hard coded.
>>                   The suggested value for MAX_REDIRECTS configuration
>>  variable is 5.  The suggested value for REDIRECT_LOOP_DETECT_PERIOD
>>  configuration variable is 300 seconds.  These values MAY be
>>  configurable on the client.
>If you want to change it "MAY", you might as well say nothing about it. A
>sentence that says "These values MAY be configurable on the client" doesn't
>say much. I would be fine with "SHOULD" instead of "MUST".

Disagree again. No client will have this configuration, because clients are 
made to be used by non-technical people. Clients that are centrally-configured 
may have such a setting, but we can't put that in a MUST, or even a SHOULD.


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