Yaron Sheffer wrote:

> > - Section A.1 should say that the notation used for the example
> > ticket formats is intended to be pseudo-code, and does not specify
> > exact octet-by-octet format. (And probably things like
> > "reserved[3]" should be removed, since they don't really belong in
> > pseudo-code like this.)
> >
> This is an example only, but it can still be precise. It *does*
> specify an octet-by-octet format, except you're free to implement
> something else, or change whatever you feel like. In general, I
> think an implementer is better off starting from a precise
> definition than from a vague pseudo-code description.

The text never specifies how e.g. "opaque state_ref" would be encoded
(e.g. if it's variable length, there's probably some kind of length
field somewhere), so IMHO it does not specify octet-by-octet format
(two persons reading this would very likely end up with different

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