Yoav Nir writes:
> I wish that were true, but here's what the draft says about  
>     INVALID_SYNTAX                            7
>         Indicates the IKE message that was received was invalid because
>         some type, length, or value was out of range or because the
>         request was rejected for policy reasons. To avoid a denial of
>         service attack using forged messages, this status may only be
>         returned for and in an encrypted packet if the message ID and
>         cryptographic checksum were valid.
> This "or because the request was rejected for policy reasons means  
> that even perfectly good implementations might get an INVALID_SYNTAX.   
> I don't know why this is so, but that's the way it is in RFC 4306 as  
> well.

I do not think it should be sent because of policy reasons, as we do
have specific errors (authentication failed, no proposal chosen and ts
unacceptable etc).

I have not seen anybody sending this because of policy reasons, only
case where I have seen this was in interops when someone send some
broken packets to other end.

I think we should remove the "for policy reasons" part and specify
that this is only used in protocol error situations. 
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