Tero Kivinen wrote:
> pasi.ero...@nokia.com writes:
> > - Section 2.25: "A peer that receives a CHILD_SA_NOT_FOUND
> > notification SHOULD silently delete the Child SA": Is this really
> > necessary? I think this notification should only occur in cases where
> > DELETE payload for this Child SA pair has already been sent, and
> > probably has been processed already by the time the
> > notification is received.
> I agree on that, and I proposed new wording for that:
>    A CHILD_SA_NOT_FOUND notification SHOULD be sent when a peer
>    receives a request to rekey a Child SA that does not exist A peer
>    that receives a CHILD_SA_NOT_FOUND notification SHOULD silently
>    delete the Child SA (if it still exists, as most likely delete
>    notification sent by the other hand has already deleted it) and
>    send a request to create a new Child SA from scratch if such
>    Child SA does not yet exists.

Thanks -- this is much clearer.

> > - Section 2.25.2, "If a peer receives a request to delete a Child
> > SA when it is currently rekeying the IKE SA, it SHOULD reply as
> > usual, with a Delete payload." I noticed this is different from
> > what RFC 4718 recommended, but this is probably OK, given the
> > other text...  (but I still hope this was intentional change :-)
> This was intentional change.

OK; with this reply, I'm OK with closing issue #142.

Best regards,
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