Sure we are, but I didn't want to start the discussion, because QCD is my 

Hopefully we've learned something from the history of XAuth vs Hybrid, and we 
won't end up with two non-interoperable, proprietary ways of doing this, 
neither of which makes it to RFC.  I think that failure led to the rise of L2TP 
client and maybe even the SSL VPN client.

On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:02 PM, Paul Hoffman wrote:

> [[ This topic generated a fair amount of discussion in the past; are folks 
> still interested? ]]
> Greetings again. The WG has one item on our charter that we have barely 
> discussed, namely failure detection. The charter item says that the work item 
> is:
>> - A standards-track IKEv2 extension that allows an IKE peer to quickly and 
>> securely detect that its opposite peer, while currently reachable, has lost 
>> its IKEv2/IPsec state. Changes to how the peers recover from this situation 
>> are beyond the scope of this work item, as is improving the detection of an 
>> unreachable or dead peer. Ideas from draft-nir-ike-qcd-05 and 
>> draft-detienne-ikev2-recovery-03 can be used as starting points.
> I gave a brief presentation on failure detection at the last IETF meeting in 
> Anaheim. The slides are at 
> <>, and the following 
> is directly derived from them.
> The basic problem being covered by the new extension is:
> -  Alice and Bob have SAs up and ESP traffic is flowing, but then Bob crashes
> -  Alice keeps sending ESP to Bob
> -  When Bob finally comes back up, he replies to Alice's ESP with INVALID_SPI 
> notifications
> -  Alice starts sending IKE liveness checks until she is "sure" that the 
> INVALID_SPI responses are not a DoS attack; this could be "several minutes"
> -  Then Alice rekeys
> Some other problem cases include:
> -  Bob has two gateways in some failover architecture. One gateway goes down, 
> the other gateway detects this and wants to tell Alice to rekey
> -  Bob has a bunch of gateways in some load-balancing or cluster 
> architecture. One gateway is taken down on purpose, and the system wants to 
> tell Alice to rekey
> -  Protocol robustness:  Bob's gateway loses the SA without going down
> Our primary goal is that, as soon as Bob starts sending INVALID_SPI responses 
> to Alice's ESP traffic, Bob and Alice should be able to quickly determine 
> that this is not an attack and therefore they probably want to rekey right 
> away. Note that if Bob and Alice are also using session resumption, they can 
> use that instead of rekeying; however, in the discussion here, we always use 
> "rekey" to mean "rekey or, if appropriate, resume". The proposed extension 
> does not include the actual rekeying, just the context for them to do it now.
> The WG has seen two proposed solutions, QCD and SIR. The following are brief 
> summaries of the two proposals.
> In QCD (<>), Bob gives Alice a 
> secret token in the AUTH exchange, and then puts the token in his INVALID_SPI 
> response as a way to say "this SPI is gone". Bob must remember his tokens 
> across reboots, or derive tokens from a master token that he memorizes across 
> reboots, and Alice must remember the token (or a hash of it) for each SA.
> In SIR (<>), Alice 
> sends a new Check_SPI query with a stateless cookie, essentially asking "do 
> you really not know about this
> SPI?"; Bob responds by saying "I'm sure I don't know that SPI". Nothing is 
> stored on either side, so a man-in-the-middle can attack this to cause an 
> unnecessary rekey just as they can normal IKE.
> The first task for the WG is to decide which of these two quite different 
> approaches to take. After we have done that, we can then hone the chosen 
> proposal. During earlier discussion of the proposals, the following criteria 
> were mentioned as ones that the WG should consider when thinking about the 
> approaches:
> -  Support for different scenarios (load balancers, active clusters, failover)
> -  Security from man-in-the-middle DoS attacks
> -  Resources used
> -  Intellectual property rights
> So: please start discussing the two proposals with respect to these criteria 
> or other criteria that are important to you. In a few weeks (hopefully well 
> before the Maastricht meeting), I make a call for consensus and see where it 
> leads us.
> --Paul Hoffman, Director
> --VPN Consortium
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> --Paul Hoffman, Director
> --VPN Consortium
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