Hi all

Yesterday, the IESG has started last call on three documents:
- draft-harkins-ipsecme-spsk-auth-03
- draft-shin-augmented-pake-03
- draft-kuegler-ipsecme-pace-ikev2-05

All three seek to improve the authentication in IKEv2 when using pre-shared 
keys, as compared with RFC 5996. The IPsecME working group was unable to choose 
between them, but I don't think this attempt to throw this decision at the IESG 
is going to help much. 

Specifically, I don't think that publishing all three is a positive outcome for 

<poor developer hat on>
Moreover, I don't think there's a way for the poor developer to support all 
four methods, and interoperate with implementations that support just one, 
without wasting some round-trips on testing whether the peer supports one 
implementation or the other. 

If they at least all had something like a notification that says that the 
initiator supports *this* method in the Initial exchange, and the responder 
could reply with just one, it would be somewhat better, but still it's a bad 
outcome for the IETF process.
</poor developer hat on>


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