Hi Daniel

On Apr 5, 2012, at 9:22 PM, Daniel Migault wrote:

> Hi, 
> I am wondering how SPI collision is considered by IKEv2, and have not found 
> any documentation on it, so if there are some, please let me know.
> My current understanding is that when an CREATE_CHILD_SA exchange is 
> performed the Initiator and Responder announce the SPI in the SA payload. If 
> the Initiator announces an SPI that is already used by the Responder (with 
> another peer), the Responder cannot accept this proposition and must send an 
> error message. I haven't found anything like this in RFC5996. Am I missing 
> something ?
> Furthermore I cannot find any message for this error. INVALID_SPI does not 
> seems to be used for the creating of an SPI, but only if an ESP/AH/IKE packet 
> comes with an unrecognized SPI. In addition it seems the Notify Payload MUST 
> be sent out of the IKE_SA.... Can anyone tell me which error message is used? 
> BR 
> Daniel

In IKE (both v1 and v2) it's always two IPsec SAs that are negotiated at the 
same time. Each side sends in its CCSA message the SPI for the inbound SA. So 
for traffic going from the initiator to the responder, it's the responder that 
chooses the SPI, while for traffic going from the responder to the initiator, 
the initiator chooses the SPI. This allows both peers to make sure that inbound 
SAs have unique SPIs.

The same guarantee cannot be made for outbound traffic. The SPI for outbound 
traffic is chosen by the peer, and one particular implementation that I'm aware 
of assigns them serially, so with many peers like that, you have a high chance 
of collision. The fact is that it is usually not a problem. In outbound IPsec 
processing the stack sees the cleartext packet, chooses an SA based on 
attributes of the packet, and constructs the protected packet based on 
encryption keys, MAC keys, the replay counter and the SPI which are part of the 
SA. The SPI is a value, not a key in the table of outbound SAs, so there's no 
harm done even if all the outbound SAs have the same SPI. 

This is different from the inbound case, where the SPI is used as a key to the 
SA table, and therefore has to be unique.

Hope this helps


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