Paul Hoffman <> wrote:
    >> Recently discovered incorrect behavior of ISPs poses a challenge to
    >> IKE, whose UDP messages (especially #3 and #4) sometimes get
    >> fragmented at the IP level and then dropped by these ISPs. There is
    >> interest in solving this issue by allowing transport of IKE over TCP;
    >> this is currently implemented by some vendors. The group will
    >> standardize such a solution.

I think that we gave up over TCP, and have back to fragmentation inside IKE,

    >> The WG will revise the IKEv2 specification with a small number of
    >> mandatory tests required for the secure operation of IKEv2 when using
    >> elliptic curve cryptography. This work will be based on
    >> draft-sheffer-ipsecme-dh-checks.

I think we already completed this?

    >> Goals and Milestones:
    >> Done - IETF Last Call on large scale VPN use cases and requirements
    >> Done - IETF last call on IKE fragmentation solution Done - IETF last
    >> call on new mandatory-to-implement algorithms

Seems like we should have more milestones listed.

I'd like to make the puzzle solving work charter.
I imagine that this is a real problem, but I wouldn't mind some data on how
often gateways are being DDoSed.

Michael Richardson <>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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