
I thought that I was a late, as today is already December 9,
but then I've noticed, that the survey is untill December 8, 2015 :-)
So I still have some time to express my opinion.

I think that the document in its current form looks like
it is screwing IKE. It leaves a lot of questions why it is done
that way and not another, more convinient, way.
I think, that not many of active members of ipsecme WG are
experts in quantum computing (I definitely not), but
all of them are experts in IKE. And I think that they
could help authors to define the extension so, that
it would not look like improper use of the protocol.
So, the draft definitely needs more review from ipsecme WG.
And thus - either adopt it (although I think that the
technology itself is a bit premature and not widely used),
or, preferrably, give it an individual submission with
closer look from ipsecme WG. And I prefer it to have
experimental status.

Valery Smyslov.

<chair hats on>

Greetings again. There is a small emerging industry of crypto solutions that transmit keys using Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), and then use those keys for classical high-speed encryption. Several such solutions are using IKE, and there is a perceived need to standardize this usage. If so, that standardization should be done in this Working Group.

If you agree with the need to standardize this usage, and believe that draft-nagayama-ipsecme-ipsec-with-qkd is likely to be a good starting place for that standardization, and are willing to review and contribute text to the document if it is adopted by the WG, please say so on the list. This WG has a history of adopting documents but then not having enough reviewers for us to feel confident that we are making a good standard, so we need to see a reasonable number of actively interested people before we adopt the document. If it is not adopted, the authors can ask for it to be published as an RFC through individual submission or by the Independent Submissions Editor.

Please reply by December 8, 2015.

--Paul Hoffman and Yaron Sheffer
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