I read draft-ietf-ipsecme-chacha20-poly1305 on Friday last, and then found
that I needed to further review draft-nir-cfrg-chacha20-poly1305-06 to better
understand the questions in para 2 of the security considerations, the
question about the uniqueness the nonce, so my initial reading, being
mostly ignorant about ChaCha and Poly1305 was very confusing.

(In preparing this email, I was also using the -05 document, which I see is
new. I think that I read -03 on Friday. -04 seems to have been skipped?)

I had not yet read any of the discussion on the list (intentionally) so as
to judge whether I understood the document on it's own.

{in preparing this email, I read the thread afterwards, and I now see that
some discussion was previously about IV being derived from replay counter, a
notion which I think has been removed from the ID. I don't think that I have
any new questions;  I think that after having read the document well, that
I can implement from the documents as they are}

I don't understand:
  > As the ChaCha20 block function is not applied directly to the
  > plaintext, no padding should be necessary.  However, in keeping with

could this be a typo ChaCha20 vs Poly1305?
If the encryption algorithm is now applied directly, then what is?
Or is meant that the block function for ChaCha20 used only to generate
bits for a stream cipher, and the XOR is what is "applied directly"?

>   The same key and nonce, along with a block counter of zero are passed
>   to the ChaCha20 block function, and the top 256 bits of the result
>   are used as the Poly1305 key.  The nonce passed to the block
>   function here is the same nonce that is used in ChaCha20, including the 
> 32-bit
>   Salt, and the key passed is the same as the encryption key.

I think that if I have a block encryption function, that I need to encrypt
something to get an output.  I don't know what that is here....
Later I understood from reading cfrg-chacha20 that the ChaCha20 block
function acts as a prng, and that's why this is a stream ciper, not a block
cipher.  The use of the term "block function" here was confusing to me.

At first, I understand the nonce, was going to be the IV. Was there some
discussion/options in a previous version of the draft?
I initially understood that the the 32-bit block counter would be taken from
the replay counter, but now I see that this is incorrect, that it's unrelated
to the replay counter, and that I misunderstood at first.

So the Salt is really part of the key material.  We have a 36-byte key.  It
matters to people debugging things with a tool like TCPDUMP, that they know they
should expect 36-bytes.

Is this diagram correct:

keymat:                            iv:               ctr:
  +-----------------------+----+     +--------+      +----+
  |01234567890123456789012|0123|     |abcdefgh|      |0001|
  +-----------------------+----+     +--------+      +----+
            |               |           |              |
            |               |           |              |
            |               |           |              |
key:        V                nonce:     V      block   V
  +-----------------------+   +------------+     ctr:+----+
  |01234567890123456789012|   |0123abcdefgh|         |00xx|
  +-----------------------+   +------------+         +----+
    words: 4-11                words: 13-15          word 12

  \-----\  /------------\    /-----------------------------/
         \/              \  /
         | ctr=0          \/ 64-byte chunks prng
         |                ||
         |                |^^xor^ --< plaintext+padding+NH
         |  replay#       ||
         |  spi#    +----------+
         |  |       | cipher   |
         |  | /--<--| text     |
         |  | |     +----------+
         |  | |           |
         |  | |           |
         V  V V           |
      /----------\        |
      | Poly1305 |        |
      |   algo   |        |
      \----------/        |
            V             V
         |MIC |

I am very very very happy that cfrg-chacha20 has so many examples in it.
That's really awesome.

It wasn't until I read all of cfrg-chacha20 that I understood that the
Poly1305 needs to seeded for *each* packet.   I also think that the Poly1305
is not used in an HMAC construction.

I think that the IANA considerations of ipsecme-chacha20-poly1305 should say
something like,
          "According to cfrg-chacha20, Poly-1305 is not suitable for
           use as a PRF for IKEv2, and this specification explicitely
           does not allocate a code point for that."


Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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