OK. Make those changes. I’ll post a new version tomorrow.


> On Apr 27, 2015, at 12:38 PM, Yaron Sheffer <yaronf.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Clearly we need to mention that the IV is included, despite the text of RFC 
> 7296.
> You are right about SK_ei/er. The second bullet in Sec. 3 should not mention 
> KEYMAT, which is unrelated, and maybe should mention SK_ei/er.
> Thanks,
>       Yaron
> On 04/27/2015 11:38 AM, Yoav Nir wrote:
>>> On Apr 27, 2015, at 10:46 AM, Yaron Sheffer <yaronf.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I am still a bit confused about Sec. 3 (use in IKEv2):
>>> - Where does it say (in this draft or in Sec. 2.7 of the CFRG draft) that 
>>> the IV is included explicitly, and where exactly it should go?
>> It says that the IV is 64-bit, same as in section 2, and RFC 7296 section 
>> 3.14 says that the IV is explicit. Although in honesty, it also says that 
>> the size of the IV is equal to block length, which would make it 512 bits 
>> here?  Anyway, RFC 7296 does say that this is true only for CBC.
>>> - In the bullet that describes the IV, I would add text that the IKE 
>>> Message ID is not an option, and why.
>> The whole idea of using sequence number as IV is now gone from the draft. If 
>> we want to add some path-not-taken text, it should probably go in the 
>> Security Considerations or maybe another appendix. I don’t really think it 
>> is relevant.
>>> - How do we make sure that the key/IV combination is unique between 
>>> Initiator and Responder?
>> PRF+ generates a bitstring with separate SK_ei and SK_er for the initiator 
>> and responder respectively. Each is 36 octets (288 bits). While we don’t 
>> explicitly prevent PRF+ from generating the same 36 bytes twice, good PRFs 
>> hardly ever will. The same is not true for IKEv1 (RFC 2409) where the same 
>> SKEYID_e is used by both.
>>> Thanks,
>>>     Yaron
>>> On 04/27/2015 01:44 AM, Paul Hoffman wrote:
>>>> Greetings again. This begins the two-week WG Last Call on 
>>>> draft-ietf-ipsecme-chacha20-poly1305, which ends Monday May 11. We would 
>>>> love to hear from people in either of two groups:
>>>> - Those who have already reviewed an earlier version of this draft. Please 
>>>> re-read the draft now, and let us know if it is perfect, or if there 
>>>> anything else you want added or changed. This includes Yaron, PaulW, Tero, 
>>>> ScottF, and Valery.
>>>> - Those who have *not* yet reviewed this draft, but want to help the IETF 
>>>> create good standards in this area. If you are an IPsec implementer, or 
>>>> know one at your organization, reviewing this draft and sending any 
>>>> comments to the list (even just "seems fine" or "I liked it except this 
>>>> one thing") is useful to all of us.
>>>> It seems very likely that this new algorithm combination will appear in 
>>>> IKEv2 and ESP soon, and having folks give a bit more review will help 
>>>> prevent whoopsies in the future.
>>>> --Paul Hoffman
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