Andreas Steffen <> wrote:
    > an NTRU Encryption-based IKEv2 key exchange is actually what the
    > strongSwan open source VPN software has been offering with the
    > ntru plugin for more than a year:


    > For the four security strengths of 112, 128, 192 and 256 bits
    > strongSwan is using the private-use DH groups 1030..1033 in
    > conjunction with the strongSwan Vendor ID.

Cool... an ID explanining things would be a really good thing to have.

    > If you combine the NTRU key exchange with lattice-based BLISS
    > signatures in the AUTH payload


    > than you arrive at a 100% Quantum Resistant IKEv2 protocol
    > without the use of any PSKs.

I don't know if the WG wants to add this to it's charter, but it sure
would be nice to have a spec...

Michael Richardson <>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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