On Fri, 9 Oct 2015, Yoav Nir wrote:

On Sep 28, 2015, at 6:10 PM, Paul Hoffman <paul.hoff...@vpnc.org> wrote:

Sure. Someone volunteer to write up the short draft, and that author should put 
Jeff Schiller at the top of the acknowledgements, and send it to the WG.

--Paul Hoffman

A new version of I-D, draft-nir-ipsecme-rfc4307bis-00.txt
has been successfully submitted by Yoav Nir and posted to the
IETF repository.

Oops. Guess our drafts crossed the beams. I had send one to Daniel
to look at. I've attached it in case some text is useful. It was
based more on the structure of RFC 7321.

I actually like how 7321 has the tables filled with links to the
actual RFC's. (which I had not done yet myself)

Some comments on your text:

I think AES_CBC should be MUST- as it is on the way out.

I have talked with one of the AES_GCM authors and got the advise to
only use the largest octet ICV's. Why are you promoting the 8 octet
version instead of the 16 octet version? I also think AES_GCM should
be a MUST, not a SHOULD. It is the preferred algorithm at this point.

I also think 3DES probably should be a SHOULD- because it is the only
other non-AES algorithm in widespread use. While we all want it to go
away, we should do so only after chacha20-poly1305 sees more adoption.

Why is sha2-512 not a SHOULD?

Can we add a recommendation to use integ == prf for non-AEAD algorithms?

Windows uses 8192 modp, which I think should be a SHOULD. I think we
should mention modp 1536 as SHOULD- or MAY.

Can we recommend that the initial exchanges and create child sa use
the same MODP group? and that we recommend PFS for create_child_sa.

Can we recommend that a default proposal set should have at least one
MUST algorithm for each type?

Can we recommend not to apply these recommendations for IKEv1 because
that will cause more interop problems (see my draft for text)

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        <title abbrev="ikev2 algo update">Cryptographic Algorithm Implementation Requirements and Usage Guidance for IKEv2</title>
        <author initials='P.' surname="Wouters" fullname='Paul Wouters'>
            <organization>Red Hat</organization>
        <author initials='D.' surname="Migault" fullname='Daniel Migault'>
        This document updates the Cryptographic Algorithm Implementation
        Requirements for the Internet Keying Exchange protocol version 2 (IKEv2).
        It also adds usage guidance to help in the selection of these algorithms.
        The IKEv2 protocol makes use of various cryptographic algorithms to
        provide confidentiality and/or data origin authentication before
        agreeing on keying material for use with IP Security (IPsec)
        To ensure interoperability between disparate implementations,
        the IKEv2 standard specifies a set of mandatory-to-
        implement algorithms.  This document specifies the current set of
        mandatory-to-implement algorithms for IKEv2, specifies
        algorithms that should be implemented because they may be promoted to
        mandatory at some future time, and also recommends against the
        implementation of some obsolete algorithms.  Usage guidance is also
        provided to help the user of IKEv2 best achieve their security
        goals through appropriate choices of cryptographic algorithms.
        While the recommendations for this document would equally apply to IKEv1
        <xref target="RFC2409"/>, no suggestions are made to update IKEv1. Most
        IKEv1 implementations at this time are frozen and vendors will not be able
        to update the recommended algorithms in such implementations. Updating the
        IKEv1 specification would therefor lead to increased interoperability issues.
        IKEv1 deployments are encouraged to upgrade to IKEv2.
        This document updates RFC 7296.

     <section title="Introduction">
      The Internet Key Exchange Protocol version 2 (IKEv2), specified in
      <xref target="RFC7296"/>, provides a way for two parties to perform
      an authenticated key exchange.
      To ensure interoperability between disparate implementations, it is
      necessary to specify a set of mandatory-to-implement algorithms.
      This ensures that there is at least one algorithm that all
      implementations will have in common.  This document specifies the
      current set of mandatory-to-implement algorithms for IKEv2,
      specifies algorithms that should be implemented because they may be
      promoted to mandatory at some future time, and also recommends
      against the implementation of some obsolete algorithms.  Usage
      guidance is also provided to help the user of IKEv2 best achieve
      their security goals through appropriate choices of mechanisms.
      The nature of cryptography is that new algorithms surface
      continuously and existing algorithms are continuously attacked.  An
      algorithm believed to be strong today may be demonstrated to be weak
      tomorrow.  Given this, the choice of mandatory-to-implement algorithm
      should be conservative so as to minimize the likelihood of it being
      compromised quickly.  Thought should also be given to performance
      considerations, as many uses of IKEv2 will be in environments where
      performance is a concern.
      The IKEv2 mandatory-to-implement algorithm(s) may need to change
      over time to adapt to new developments in cryptography.  For this
      reason, the specification of the mandatory-to-implement algorithms is
      not included in the main IKE specifications, but is
      instead placed in this document.  Ideally, the mandatory-to-implement
      algorithm of tomorrow should already be available in most
      implementations of IKE by the time it is made mandatory.  To
      facilitate this, this document identifies such algorithms, as they
      are known today.  There is no guarantee that the algorithms that we
      predict will be mandatory in the future will actually be so.  All
      algorithms known today are subject to cryptographic attack and may be
      broken in the future.
       <section title="Conventions Used in This Document">
        The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
        "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this
        document are to be interpreted as described in <xref target="RFC2119"/>.

     <section title="Implementation Requirements">
     This section specifies the cryptographic algorithms that MUST be
     implemented, and provides guidance about ones that SHOULD or SHOULD
     NOT be implemented.
     In the following sections, all AES modes are for 128-bit AES. 192-bit
     and 256-bit AES MAY be supported for those modes, but the requirements
     here are for 128-bit AES.
       <section title="IKE Combined Mode Algorithms">
       IKE Combined mode algorithms provide both confidentiality and authentication
       services; in cryptographic terms, these are authenticated encryption
       algorithms <xref target="RFC5116"/>. Authenticated encryption transforms
       are listed in the ESP encryption transforms IANA registry.
       Where multiple octet sizes for ICV's are defined, only the largest ICV size
       should be used.
           <figure align="center">
                <artwork align="left"><![CDATA[
Requirement    Authenticated Encryption Algorithm
-----------    ----------------------------------
MUST           AES-GCM with a 16 octet ICV [RFC5282]
SHOULD+        CHACHA20_POLY1305 [RFC7634]
MAY            AES-CCM  with a 16 octet ICV [RFC5282]

       <section title="IKE Encryption Algorithms">
           <figure align="center">
                <artwork align="left"><![CDATA[
Requirement    Encryption Algorithm
-----------    ----------------------------------
SHOULD-        3DES_CBC [RFC7296]        
SHOULD-        AES_CBC [RFC7296]        
SHOULD-        CANELLIA_CBC [RFC7296]        
MAY            AES_CTR [RFC5930]
MUST NOT       DES_CBC [RFC2405]
       <section title="IKE  Authentication Algorithms">
           <figure align="center">
                <artwork align="left"><![CDATA[
Requirement    Authentication Algorithm
-----------    ----------------------------------
MUST           HMAC-SHA2_256_128 [RFC4868]
MUST-          HMAC-MD5 [RFC7296]
MUST-          HMAC-SHA1-96 [RFC7296]
SHOULD         HMAC-SHA2_384_192 [RFC4868]
SHOULD         HMAC-SHA2_512_256 [RFC4868]
MAY            AES-CMAC-96 [RFC4494]
MAY            AES_128_GMAC [RFC4543]
MAY            AES_192_GMAC [RFC4543]
MAY            AES_256_GMAC [RFC4543]
       <section title="IKE Diffie-Hellman Groups">
           <figure align="center">
                <artwork align="left"><![CDATA[
Requirement    Group
-----------    ----------------------------------
MUST           2048-bit MODP Group [RFC3526]
MUST           4096-bit MODP Group [RFC3526]
MUST           8192-bit MODP Group [RFC3526]
MUST?          256-bit random ECP group [RFC5903]
MUST?          384-bit random ECP group [RFC5903]
MUST?          521-bit random ECP group [RFC5903]
SHOULD         3072-bit MODP Group [RFC3526]
SHOULD         6144-bit MODP Group [RFC3526]
MAY            192-bit Random ECP Group [RFC5114]
MAY            224-bit Random ECP Group [RFC5114]
SHOULD-        1024-bit MODP Group [RFC7296]
SHOULD-        1536-bit MODP Group [RFC7296]
MUST NOT       768-bit MODP Group [RFC7296]

      <section title="Usage Guidance">
      Since in IKEv2, an IPsec SA can be created using the Initial Exchanges or the CREATE_CHILD_SA
      Exchange, it is recommended to use the same Diffie-Hellman Group for these Exchanges.

      <section title="Rationale">
      This section explains the principles behind the implementation
      requirements described above.
      The algorithms listed as "MAY implement" are not meant to be endorsed
      over other non-standard alternatives. Algorithms listed as "SHOULD- implement"
      are currently in wide use but are expected to become less favourable in the short
      term. Algorithms listed as "SHOULD+" are expected to become a MUST in the short term.

       <section title="Authenticated Encryption">
       This document encourages the use of authenticated encryption
       algorithms because they can provide significant efficiency and
       throughput advantages, and the tight binding between authentication
       and encryption can be a security advantage <xref target="RFC5116"/>.
       AES-GCM <xref target="RFC4106"/> brings significant performance benefits
       and has emerged as the preferred authenticated encryption method in IKE,
       IPsec and other standards, and is therefor set as a MUST.
       CHACHA20-POLY1305 <xref target="RFC7634"/> has emerged as strong, fast
       and independant alternative to AES-GCM as is therefor introduced as SHOULD+
       <section title="Encryption and Authentication Algorithms">
       Algorithms that require a seperate encryption and authentication step are
       generally less favourable than Authenticated Encryption. Use of these
       seperated algorithms is expected to decline and new seperate encryption and
       authentication algorithms are unlikely to be proposed.
       While the HMAC versions of MD5 and SHA1 are still considered safe, these algorithms
       are seeing an ever increasing reduction in strength due to new cryptanalyses research.
       The use of MD5 and SHA1 is strongly discouraged at this point.
       <section title="Groups">
       <t>Something about this being a warzone with no clear winners yet?

      <section title="Security Considerations">

        <section title="Acknowledgments">
            This document leverages most text <xref target="RFC7321"/> which was written by P Hoffman
            and D. McGrew.

        <section title="IANA Considerations">

        <references title='Normative References'>

        <references title='Informative References'>
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