Panos Kampanakis (pkampana) writes:
> Waiting for your IKEv2 quantum resistance slides to become
> available, as a great summary of the potential requirements. 

All the slides we presented in the IPsecME meeting was uploaded to the
meeting materials site before the meeting started, i.e.,

contains ipsecme slides, minutes etc, and my slides can be found from
following url:

We will most likely make start talking about requirements on the
mailing list and then collect list of the final requirements somewhere
(not sure if we need draft for that, we might use wiki page to keep
track of them, or just collect the feedback from the list, and send
summary of them to the mailint list).

I think I will wait until next week before starting that process, so
we can get the charter discussion out before that.

IPsec mailing list

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